Hamilton County Bail Bonds Phone Number 317-773-9210

Hamilton County Bail Bonds
How Bail Works
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Hamilton County Bail Bonds - How Bail Works

The alternative to cash bail is the posting of a surety bond which is also known as a bail bond. This
process involves a contractual undertaking guaranteed by an admitted insurance company having
adequate assets to satisfy the face value of the bond. Hamilton County Bail Bonds guarantees to the
court that they will pay the bond forfeiture if a defendant fails to appear for the designated court
appearances. Hamilton County Bail Bonds guarantee is made through a surety company such as
American Surety Company.

For this service, the defendant is charged a premium. To be released by posting a bail bond, the
defendant or a relative or a friend, will usually contact Hamilton County Bail Bonds, an agency licensed
by the State of Indiana to post bail bonds. Before a bond is posted, we will interview the proposed
guarantor of the bail bond, as well as the defendant and relatives of the defendant, as part of the
approval procedure for the bond. By involving family and friends, as well through the acceptance of
collateral, Hamilton County Bail Bonds can be assured the defendant being released on a bail bond will
appear at his/her designated court date, as required, until the case is completed. Once an agreement is
made, we will complete the application and post the bail bond for the full amount of the bail to
guarantee the defendant's return to court.

Once a defendant is released on a bail bond posted by Hamilton County Bail Bonds they will meet with
an agent to be interviewed and go over the terms and conditions of bail. At Hamilton County Bail Bonds,
we strive to make this process as simple as possible. All we ask is for defendants to communicate and
be courteous. We offer the comfort of not being in jail while your case is adjudicated!

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